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602-263-3000 or 1-800-624-3879
(TTY 711)
7 a.m. to 6 p.m., Monday to Friday
602-212-4983 or 1-833-711-0776
(TTY 711)
8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday to Friday
Call the Arizona behavioral health crisis line at 1-844-534-4673 or 1-844-534-HOPE. Text HOPE to 4HOPE (44673). Or find other crisis lines.
Call the number for your plan at the top of this page. Choose the option to “speak with a nurse” for general health advice. Our Nurse Line is here for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Your Office of Individual and Family Affairs (OIFA) team can help you find your way through the health care system. We’ll help with any type of concern about your care. Email OIFA team.
Mercy Care/Mercy Care Advantage
4750 S. 44th Place, Ste. 150
Phoenix, AZ 85040
Get support with children's services. For the Children's Behavioral Health Liaison, email Wendy Herring. Or call 480-670-6191. For Jacob's Law support, email Children's Services Liaison Randy Grover. Or call 480-751-8471.
Check our provider contact us page to find contact info for network management. Or start with common topics, like claims, forms and medical prior authorization.
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